Thursday, July 2, 2020

3 Things to Consider Besides Salary in a New Job

3 Things to Consider Besides Salary in a New Job When you receive a job offer with a great salary, its tough not to jump on board right away. However, as any experienced worker will tell you, money isnt always the most important factor. Today well discuss three other factors you should consider in addition to your base salary when considering a new job.   Work/Life Balance While work/life balance isnt something most candidates forget, there are multiple aspects of it you should be considering. This doesnt simply mean asking how much after hours work you will be doing. You should also think about how much vacation time you will be allotted. This may be hard to negotiate for new workers. On the other hand, experienced workers are able to reference how much theyve had in the past and ask if they can move up. In addition to vacation and paid time off. Either way you should also think about your schedule. If you are looking for a flexible schedule, this is the time to negotiate. Like vacation days this is something that is an easier sell for a more experienced worker. The more invaluable you are, the more likely you are to successfully negotiate some flex time. Lastly, its also important to discuss maternity/paternity leave, especially if you are young and considering having children. While it may not be an immediate concern, at least clarify what you should expect. Job Satisfaction This category can get overlooked especially if you are overly focused on salary. Its tempting to only see dollar signs, and be lured in by a healthy number. However, job satisfaction is important, especially in a long term position.  While it is easier to determine once youve started working, important to think about beforehand as well. Your enjoyment of your job does impact your overall well being, and could motivate you to leave in the future. Make sure a job is right for you. A good job should be rewarding, and excite you for work everyday. Culture Fit This category is certainly the one that is very commonly. This is a transgression that is made by both hiring managers and candidates. Culture influences how you work, and impacts how efficiently you can complete your job. Culture is the social and environmental pieces that make up of a company. If youre unable to get along socially with your coworkers, it could impede your work. Company culture is a great topic to ask about at the end of an interview. It shows that you are taking the position seriously, by wondering if you will fit in. Dont be afraid to ask about it, and use that to influence your decision. Is there another big factor you consider besides salary? If so, please let us know what we missed!

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