Thursday, July 30, 2020

Professional Resume and CV Writing Services Oxford

Professional Resume and CV Writing Services OxfordMany job seekers wonder whether they should use professional resume and CV writing services. The answer is 'yes'no.' There are two distinct cases to be made here. Should you hire a writing service to write your resume and CVs, you should know that you will not get a satisfactory outcome and the results you do get may be below par.An English language degree is a prerequisite for the writers who are hired by professionals to deliver the copy in one of the top-selling magazines in the United Kingdom. Writing for the newspaper is a completely different story. There is an online press room in the Oxford newspaper where the writing output is presented.A lot of job seekers to see writing as an easy job. Job hunters look for writing jobs at different points of time but it is not a requirement that you do it yourself. In fact, the words you put on your resume and CV are taken from an encyclopedia.For example, if you write a resume for a certai n job post, it can have a point about you being an engineer. On the other hand, if you write a resume for a sales or marketing job, it can have several points about your previous experiences.If you go for professional resume and CV writing services, you will have to spend hours writing a great resume and CV. This may include several hours' worth of research and thinking before you begin to formulate the content on your resume.The cost of hiring professionals to write resumes and CVs is going to be higher than spending it on yourself. You are not talking about hundreds of pounds or dollars, but it could be in thousands of pounds. Your resume is going to be professionally designed and must be unique. Instead of using a third party to write the content for your resume and CV, you should hire an employee who specializes in this area. The writers who have specialised in this area can spend a lot of time in writing a resume that is going to have one of the most important parts of your CV. They will also be able to focus on only the job requirements that are outlined in the job posting.Professional resume and CV writing services Oxford are professionals who are well versed in this business. If you want to hire someone to write a CV and resume for you, try these two tips:

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Developing Realistic Safety Goals 2017

Developing Realistic Safety Goals 2017 Developing Realistic Safety Goals in 2017 Why set safety goals? A study from 2011 showed that Ohio small businesses were able to lower workers’ compensation claims more than 50% and cost per claim 80% after adopting OSHA’s recommended safety practices. Setting realistic safety goals for a workplace establishes concrete targets for effective safety programs. OSHA’s recommended practices advises taking a proactive approach instead of reacting only after a workplace injury, inspection, or new law. Identify and fix hazards before they cause an incident. This will promote a positive work environment and avoid the costs of worker illness and injury. But how do you get started? Steps to Safety Hazard Analysis While there are hazards common to all general industry and construction companies, each workplace is different. The size, location, workforce, tools, and materials may vary and affect the types of hazards present and the possible methods to mitigate them. Gather as much information as possible about current practices and conditions. Supervisors and employees are great resources for identifying what’s working and what isn’t. Analyze incident and injury reports to identify problems, acute hazards, and failures of the program. The first step in developing safety goals is to identify the specific hazards employees have to deal with on the job. Then prioritize: what is most important and what is possible. Management Leadership Management from all levels and departments need to be visibly involved in the stages of safety goal development; they provide the necessary vision, resources, and reinforcement. Show the organizations leadership is committed to protecting workers and eliminating hazards. Lead by example. Management needs to plan and coordinate, budget time and funds, delegate tasks, and create ways to communicate about safety issues without fear of reprisals. Incident and hazard reporting should be a major element of safety goal development and implementation. Take advantage of all the resources OSHA has to offer. There are consultation services, cooperative programs, small business resources, guidelines, and publications available with the sole purpose of helping you create a safer workplace. For example, OSHA’s On-Site Consultation Program is free, confidential, and separate from enforcement. Consultants will help identify hazards and provide advice. Employee Involvement Get employees involved in the process at multiple points. This is effective for several reasons. Employees are most affected and have the most to lose. They are dealing with hazards every day and can provide valuable first-hand feedback. Getting employees involved gives them ownership of workplace safety, and they will likely be more committed to safety training and applying safe practices. Ensure employees have the time and resources to participate in safety initiatives. Provide a safe, open environment for workers to report safety and health concerns. It’s also crucial to give employees the safety information they need to protect themselves and maintain safe workplaces. Set Meaningful, Realistic Goals Objectives are about results: What do you want to achieve, when, and how much?   These goals should be measurable and support the overall purpose of implementing a successful safety program. OSHA recommends descriptive goals, such as developing and implementing a safety program that controls hazards. Other possible safety goals may include: Active participation in safety committees Complete job safety analysis in each department before every major task Perform weekly inspections Create a plan to eliminate a particular hazard to the lowest level Develop a written system to document and investigate accidents Hold safety drills for emergencies Remember to get employee involvement in the development of safety goals and distribute the final safety goals to everyone. Training Employers must give employees the tools necessary to recognize hazards, mitigate them, and protect themselves. New hires should receive extensive safety training prior to beginning work, before a new task, and continuous refresher training should be implemented. On-the-job training and worksite demonstrations promote safe work practices. All employees should receive training on the organization’s safety and health program and their roles. Comprehensive hazard recognition and control training must also be implemented. Environmental health and safety training is available online and covers areas such as OSHA Standards, MSHA, Storage Tanks, Confined Spaces, and DOT. Follow Up Once you’ve set realistic safety goals, you have to track performance and evaluate the success of the initiatives. After verifying that safety plans are implemented as intended, periodically assess the progress on each goal and identify areas for improvement. Safety goal performance evaluation can be one of the goals assigned to a team such as a safety committee. Start with modest, achievable goals, assign tasks to specific people or teams to achieve them, allocate the needed resources and training, and evaluate progress. Safety is a group endeavor and requires continuous improvement and training. If you need convenient OSHA training to make your safety and health plan a success, check out our  affordable 30-hour and 10-hour OSHA courses for both general industry and construction.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

4 Time Your Customers Want Real-Time Emails

4 Time Your Customers Want Real-Time Emails The normal individual gets up to 90 messages in a day, going from web based life notices, bulletins, and spams. When was the last time you opened your post box to discover something genuinely surprising in there? Try not to stress in the event that you can't recall. Your clients feel in any case. Email is the least favored type of correspondence outside of the B2B world. Thus, not many individuals compose messages to one another. In any case, it doesn't mean they don't understand messages. Mechanized messages have a terrible notoriety as they can need character and humankind. Be that as it may, they are vital to impart constant data to your B2C clients. Web based business and other online retailers need to set 4 ongoing notices to keep their clients connected all through the exchange procedure. Credit: At the point when they've quite recently bought At the point when a client has quite recently purchased from your site, you have to male sure they can get prompt affirmation of the exchange by means of email. Ther affirmation format needs to incorporate basic data, not just in regards to their request â€" you ought to likewise include a synopsis of all articles alongside pictures at whatever point conceivable â€" yet in addition the conveyance address, the installment strategy picked and the normal conveyance date. You should make reference to how they can connect to address botches in the request or their private information. No client needs to hold up between looking at on the site and accepting an email, so ensure you set your robotized exchange warning progressively. At the point when their request has been dispatched The motivation behind why everyone cherishes Amazon is that it takes just a tick to purchase and get a prompt delivery warning for Prime individuals. While clients know that only one out of every odd online retailer may have a similar rapid administrations like Amazon, they do hold your organization to a similar exclusive requirements. Therefore, delays in sharing following data can be held against your business. Clients need to know continuously when their package is in transit. It's acceptable practice to mechanize a delivery email when the bundle leaves your distribution center. At the point when their request is in transit For significant distance orders, packages can be shipped by means of 18 wheeler trucks to the dispatch station in front of conveyance days. Be that as it may, when clients are utilized to same-day conveyance with organizations like Amazon, they may not comprehend the deferral. You need to execute an email work that keeps them educated regarding their bundle excursion and let them think about any vacation continuously. From truck mishaps to poor climate conditions, let them comprehend what's going on to maintain a strategic distance from dissatisfaction. At the point when you discount their cash Finally, despite the fact that most destinations have a reasonable discount strategy, your clients are probably going to buy without speaking with it. Your client support group should be there to assist them with experiencing the procedure. Be that as it may, all the more significantly, the discount procedure can take a few days. You need to keep clients on top of it by telling them when their discount has been made to forestall disarray. A robotized discount email that is connected to your bookkeeping group can spare you a great deal of time. We live in a universe of snap to-purchase practices. Your clients need everything right away. In the event that you can't convey the package as fast as Amazon, you ought to at any rate ensure data arrives at your client continuously. Educated clients are more averse to hold resentment for postponements or request issues.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

7 Secret Ways to Boost Productivity

7 Secret Ways to Boost Productivity 7 Secret Ways to Boost Productivity If you’re anything like I am, you have a number of high-priority projects on your desk or in your life. I’m managing initiatives related to my company, current books, future books, blog, new products, and a handful of other key items. Amidst of all these, I’m getting married next month (yay!). With many important initiatives in motion, you know how easy it is to get off track. Toss in daily family life and it’s a miracle anything gets done. Colleagues and friends often wonder how I take on so much and get it done so quickly. My secret? 1. Three is the magic number You can handle a number of high-priority projects simultaneously, but on any given day make sure you target three key goals or accomplishments. I have a mile-long to-do list every single day, but I have three main objectives that must be completed on that particular day. Focus on the biggies. Anything else you check off that day is gravy. Incremental daily change and advancement will result in an exponential improvement over time. 2. Eat the frog first Every day you’ll have some item you don’t want to do, but needs to be done. Do it first. If it’s done first, you won’t waste any brainpower the rest of the day as you procrastinate this to-do you dread. 3. Focus on the 20% I assure you, everything in your life is not created equal. My Italian brethren Vilfredo Pareto had no idea what he stumbled upon when he noticed that 20% of the peapods in his garden contained 80% of the peas. In other words, there is a difference between quality and productivity. Eighty percent of the effects usually come from 20% of the causes. So, if you spend your entire day working on things outside that 20%, you will achieve fewer results for the same amount of work! 4. Less is more and better I hope everyone accomplishes more in their lives. You’ll have a better chance if you focus on fewer tasks and ensure higher quality output. It amazes me that at any moment people think they can do more, but over their lifetime think they’ll accomplish less. They typically accomplish less because they’re trying to handle more at any moment. Which leads me to 5. Don’t multitask Beside the fact there is no such thing as multitasking (it’s called switching tasks quickly), people attempt to juggle and break things in the process. Do one thing at a time and give it your full attention. You’ll be amazed at what you can produce. 6. Take in only what you need Don’t read the entire article if the headline will suffice. Sometimes, you need the entire article. When production is at stake, make sure to choose wisely. Once the time is expended, it’s gone forever. Speaking of… 7. Stay on time Set an optimal schedule and stick to it. An optimal schedule has recovery gaps in it. That means if you have any unforeseen overruns, you have designated, planned recovery periods. You probably have heard the expression being on time is being respectful of the people you’re meeting. Their time is equally as valuable as yours. Well, all day long you meet with yourself. Be respectful, especially to that person. What are your secret ways to boost productivity? As always, I give away a complimentary Interview Intervention eBook if you sign up for the milewalk newsletter on the front page of the milewalk Website!

Thursday, July 2, 2020

3 Things to Consider Besides Salary in a New Job

3 Things to Consider Besides Salary in a New Job When you receive a job offer with a great salary, its tough not to jump on board right away. However, as any experienced worker will tell you, money isnt always the most important factor. Today well discuss three other factors you should consider in addition to your base salary when considering a new job.   Work/Life Balance While work/life balance isnt something most candidates forget, there are multiple aspects of it you should be considering. This doesnt simply mean asking how much after hours work you will be doing. You should also think about how much vacation time you will be allotted. This may be hard to negotiate for new workers. On the other hand, experienced workers are able to reference how much theyve had in the past and ask if they can move up. In addition to vacation and paid time off. Either way you should also think about your schedule. If you are looking for a flexible schedule, this is the time to negotiate. Like vacation days this is something that is an easier sell for a more experienced worker. The more invaluable you are, the more likely you are to successfully negotiate some flex time. Lastly, its also important to discuss maternity/paternity leave, especially if you are young and considering having children. While it may not be an immediate concern, at least clarify what you should expect. Job Satisfaction This category can get overlooked especially if you are overly focused on salary. Its tempting to only see dollar signs, and be lured in by a healthy number. However, job satisfaction is important, especially in a long term position.  While it is easier to determine once youve started working, important to think about beforehand as well. Your enjoyment of your job does impact your overall well being, and could motivate you to leave in the future. Make sure a job is right for you. A good job should be rewarding, and excite you for work everyday. Culture Fit This category is certainly the one that is very commonly. This is a transgression that is made by both hiring managers and candidates. Culture influences how you work, and impacts how efficiently you can complete your job. Culture is the social and environmental pieces that make up of a company. If youre unable to get along socially with your coworkers, it could impede your work. Company culture is a great topic to ask about at the end of an interview. It shows that you are taking the position seriously, by wondering if you will fit in. Dont be afraid to ask about it, and use that to influence your decision. Is there another big factor you consider besides salary? If so, please let us know what we missed!