Monday, December 30, 2019

Tips for Starting a Career in Advertising

Tips for Starting a Career in AdvertisingTips for Starting a Career in AdvertisingAdvertising pros create paid ads for television, radio, print and online media, and devise strategies for effectively targeting specific consumer groups who might purchase products or services. This work is carried out by advertising and media agencies on behalf of client organizations and also by internal marketing staff for their own organizations. Jobs in Advertising Positions within ad agencies generally fall into the following categories Creative DepartmentStaff members of this department design the visual components of ads and write the copy of commercials, print ads, and websites. Creative assistant, copy assistant, and design assistant are typical entry-level roles. Artistic talent, creative thinking, and writing skills documented by a portfolio are critical for candidates targeting these jobs. Media DepartmentThis department researches appropriate outlets for specific consumer targets, form ulates plans to reach that audience at the right cost and buys time and space from media outlets. Assistant media planner, assistant media researcher, or assistant media buyer are typical entry-level roles. Analytical skills, quantitative ability, and negotiating skills are valued by employers of media staff. Account ServicesStaff members in this department interface clients and agency staff to help organize plans and satisfy clients. Account coordinators support the work of account executives at the entry level. gewandtheit with people, communication skills, attention to detail, organizational, and presentation skills are critical to success. Production DepartmentThis department is responsible for the physical creation of commercials and interactive ads. Production assistants support the work of producers and production managers in this creative process. New hires must be detail oriented, resourceful, well organized, and have a keen sense for visual communication. Education Requ irements A bachelors degree is required for most advertising, versetzungs, and marketing management positions. For advertising management positions, employers may prefer a bachelors degree in advertising or journalism. Tips for Starting a Career in Advertising High school and college students can prepare for entry into the advertising field by doing some or all of the following Develop a solid knowledge of marketing by taking classes that expose you to theories and strategies for marketing products and services. Work for your school newspaper, magazine, or yearbook in the advertising department. You can take on roles which will give you experience designing/laying out ads, writing copy, securing advertising clients and devising ad options which meet their needs. Create web pages and blogs regarding topics of interest. Utilize social media and other marketing techniques to promote your sites and enhance traffic. Document your success in expanding your audience. Take on publicity and promotion roles with student clubs and organizations. Devise and execute creative plans to increase attendance at events and expand club membership. Enroll in advertising classes and seminars where you can develop campaigns for your portfolio. Students targeting the creative department should consider specialized ad schools like Creative Circus or The Portfolio Center. Work for your campus TV or radio station where you can create and produce advertising. Often this will involve developing campaigns for public service spots for campus/community organizations. Meet with advertising professionals for informational interviews to learn more about the field. Get recommendations for pros to target from guidance and career offices as well as family contacts. Consider job shadowing any contacts with whom you develop a nice rapport during a school break. Join advertising professional organizations that allow student membership. Network with members, attend student conferences and partici pate in student competitions (ask teachers and professors for recommendations). Engage in as many internships as possible with local marketing, media or advertising firms. Most of these roles will be unpaid so consider coupling a part-time internship with a paid job. By preparing in these ways, youll distinguish yourself from the competition and lay the foundation for a rewarding career in advertising. The Skills Employers Will Look For Heres a list of the skills that employers seek when hiring for jobs in advertising.Highlight the skills you acquired during your studies, internships, and jobs held during college in your cover letters, resume, and job applications. A - D AnalyticalApplying Ethical Principles to AdvertisingAssessing the Impact of AdsAttention to DetailCollaborationConducting Situation Analyses for Products/ServicesCreating AdvertisementsCreating an Advertising PortfolioCreative ThinkingCritical ThinkingCritiquing AdvertisementsCritiquing PresentationsDecision Mak ingDesigning Ads for the WebDesigning Market Research StudiesDesigning Visual Elements for AdsDeveloping Advertising Strategy F - PO Facilitating Group DiscussionFormulating Advertising BudgetsGenerating Market ProfilesIllustratorInDesignInterpreting Viewer, Listener and Visitor Ratings DataMultitaskingOrganizationalPersuasivePhotoshopPitching Campaign Ideas to Team MembersPowerPoint PR - Z PresentationPrioritizingProblem SolvingProducing Ads for Television/RadioProject ManagementReceiving Constructive CriticismRecommending Media Mix for CampaignsSocial MediaStorytellingTailoring Communications for Different AudiencesTeamworkTime ManagementVerbal CommunicationWriting Creative CopyWriting EssaysWriting Research Papers

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

This song has been proven to help you relax and focus

This song has been proven to help you relax and focusThis song has been proven to help you relax and focusMusic is a proven way to soothe ur anxious souls, but there are some tunes that are more likely to calm us than others. In a marketing studyby Dr. David Lewis-Hodgson forRadox Spa, British band Marconi Union worked with sound therapists to create the fruchtwein relaxing tune.Featuring guitar, piano and electronic samples of natural soundscapes, the resulting song Weightless was designed to induce relaxation in participants and it worked better than others songs by Enya, Mozart and Coldplay. When researchers played the song to 40 women, they found that it caused a 65% reduction in overall anxiety.How you can make music relaxingThe harmonic intervals - or gaps between note- have been chosen to create a feeling of euphoria and comfort, Lyz Cooper, founder of the British Academy of Sound Therapy, said about why Weightless is so relaxing to participants. And there is no repeating mel ody, which allows your brain to completely switch off because you are no longer trying to predict what is coming next.But you do not necessarily need to an eight-minute-long melody to use the power of music to your relaxing advantage.When I am commuting to work, listening to energizing tunes is how I can make my bumpy, cramped ride on the subway a mental oasis. And my relaxation technique is backed by mindfulness to work.Listening to music is a proven technique to get us to stop judging our surroundings and to focus on the present. As mindfulness teacherLaurie J. Cameron previously advised Ladders, focusing on the lyrics of the song or the quality of the singers voice can help us stay present in the moment.When Im tuned into the direct experience of listening to music, thats mindfulness, she told Ladders. When we are letting the beats of the melodies resonate within us, we are teaching our bodies to stay in the here and now instead of the fearful what-ifs and shoulds.

Friday, December 20, 2019

This 10-minute routine will increase confidence and self-esteem

This 10-minute erfahrungen will increase confidence and self-esteemThis 10-minute routine will increase confidence and self-esteemThe two most important times in your day are just before you go to bed, and just after you wake up. These are your bookends. If you learn to master the bookends of your day, you will quickly gain greater control over the rest of your life.You are the most important human being in your own life. While most people are trying to impress other people, its far more inspiring to live a life that impresses yourself. Rita Mae Brown said, The reward for conformity is that everyone likes you but yourself.Living in alignment and with intention is how you create inner confidence and peace. It does not matter how many times youve failed in the past. It doesnt matter how messy or conflicted your life may be right now. You can quickly learn to develop confidence and a deep sense of self-love. George Eliot said, It is never too late to be what you might have been.With thi s short routine, you can come to love and appreciate yourself far more. This love and appreciate will give you momentum and motivation to make increasingly better decisions throughout your days, so that overtime, your life gets exponentially better.10 minutes before going to sleepWhen performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates. - Thomas MonsonBefore going to bed at night, pull out your journal and simply report to yourself what you did that day. If youre a fast typer, youre better off using a computer than a handwritten notepad for this journaling session.Report and account to yourself how the day went. Be completely honest and vulnerable with yourself.Share both your wins and your losses. Think about the triggers that may have platzset you off on a wrong course. In the process of accounting what happened during your day, write down how things could have gone differently if you had been more intention al.- - - According to Dr. Martin Seligman, former president of the American Psychological Association, there are several differences between optimists and pessimists.PessimistsPessimists explain negative events as a permanent fixture of their identity (something they cant change). They view themselves (or life in general) as the problem, and there is nothing that can really be done.OptimistsOptimists explain negative events as situation and short-lived. When something goes wrong, they focus on situational factors that can be altered and improved.- - - During your evening journaling session, write down how you could have altered the situation. Have no negative judgement about yourself. Just report back what happened and what you learned.While writing about what happened and what you learned, your mind will naturally begin projecting the future and what you could be doing differently. Ride this natural stream of thought and begin writing down how you plan to live tomorrow differen tly.Write in an affirmative way how you want to see tomorrow happen. Be positive and optimistic. Thomas Edison said, Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious. As you write down how you intend to see tomorrow, feel and imagine yourself being excellent tomorrow. Make a mental commitment that youre going to wake up at a certain time and that youre going to crush the next day. Imagine yourself the following evening in the same place you are now reporting how the day went, and being able to report incredible success and progress.Write down the potential barriers that could come up. In psychology, planning for obstacles is known as implementation intentions. Write about how you plan to face those obstacles or challenges when they come.Avoiding problems is far more intelligent than trying to overcome them. Consequently, write down how you can avoid being triggered into negative traps in the first place.Even if you had a badeanstalt day, this routine will make you feel bette r. Youll have been honest with yourself about what happened. Youll have been able to re-live your day. Just by virtue of that fact that youre spending some time reflecting on how things went, youll begin to feel gratitude for the little things.If you had a negative experience with a friend, child, or spouse, your love for them will deepen as you reflect on how things could have gone differently. Youll commit to yourself that you will be better tomorrow. This commitment to yourself will also be a commitment to those you love - that tomorrow you will shift the pattern and help them feel more love than they ever have before.Over time, youll begin looking forward to behauptung evening reporting and accountability journaling sessions. They will become one of the most treasured parts of your day. They will inspire you to live better each day so that you can honestly report to yourself how well you did.Your love for yourself will increase because day-by-day, youll be living more intention ally and congruently. Mahatma Gandhi has said, Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.The more harmonious your life becomes, the happier and more confident youll be. This evening writing session will help you develop incredible love and compassion for yourself. Jean Shinoda Bolen said, When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.10 minutes after you wake upResearch confirms the brain, specifically the prefrontal cortex, is most active and readily creative immediately following sleep. Your subconscious mind has been loosely mind-wandering while you slept, making contextual and temporal connections. Creativity, after all, is making connections between different parts of the brain.In an interview with Tim Ferriss, Josh Waitzkin, former chess prodigy and tai chi world champion, explains his morning routine to tap into the subconscious breakthroughs and connections experienced while he was sleeping.Unlike 80 percent of people between the ages of 1844 who check their smartphones within 15 minutes of waking up, Waitzkin goes to a quiet place, does some meditation and grabs his journal.In his journal, he thought-dumps for several minutes. Thus, rather than focusing on input like most people who check their notifications, Waitzkins focus is on output. This is how he taps into his higher realms of clarity, learning, and creativity - what he calls, crystallized intelligence.Writing in your journal first thing in the morning has a few key purposesTo clear your mindTo trigger and remind yourself your goalsTo experience deep gratitude for the dayTo help you get creative insights about people you need to reach out to, or projects youre working onYour mind is beautifully attuned first thing in the morning. If you learn how to use your morning-mind, youll get the most important ideas of your life. Youll get insights and inspiration that will help you live better throughout your day. This is the crystalized intelligence that Waitzkin is talking about.Important ideas can change your life. Those ideas wont come if you dont give your mind the space to focus. Thats where this morning journaling comes in. This morning session is more meditation than anything else. Youre allowing your mind to loosely wander while you write down your goals, dreams, plans, and what you aim to accomplish that day.As you remind yourself of your goals and dreams, you want to be highly affirmative about what you intend to do that very day.Who do you want to be?How do you want to show up?What do you need to focus on first?Who do you need to reach out to?Affirm in writing that youre going to succeed that day. Affirm in writing that you will accomplish all of your goals, both short and long-term. By affirming and deeply visualizing and experiencing yourself succeeding, you are creating an emotional climate of success. You are creating a powerful state from which to operate in the world. This is a peak-state.The goal of the peak-state is to be completely in the moment, to clear your mind, and to avoid unhealthy subconscious loops. You want to be completely clear on how youre feeling RIGHT NOW.Do these emotions match the goals you want to achieve?Do these emotions match the future you are trying to create?If your current emotions do not match the future youd like to create, then your behavior will be low-level and your day will be a repeat of the past. In order to create a new future, you need to proactively create the energy and emotions that matches the future you intend to create. You do this at the beginning of your day so that you can live out your day from those emotions. If you start right, youll be far more likely to continue right throughout the day.While writing in your morning journal, feel and know that youre going to succeed today. Know that the goals you aspire toward are already yours. Allow yourself to experience de ep gratitude while writing in your journal about the accomplishments youre going to have that day.Be as imaginative as possible. Albert Einstein has said, Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.Allow your mind to go places. Dont squelch inspiration. Allow bold, big, and incredible thoughts to flow to you as you meditate and write in your journal. Be completely optimistic and affirmative about the goals and plans you set.Know in your mind that you can do it. As Napoleon Hill famously wrote, Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.This whole process will allow you to not only get clear, but also to get inspired. Every morning, you should be elevating your way of thinking and living. Your goals should continually be expanding because each day youre gaining confidence and learning.The clarity, affirmati on, gratitude, and inspiration from this routine put you into a deep level of presence, creating a peak-experience. According to Abraham Maslow, Peak experiences as rare, exciting, oceanic, deeply moving, exhilarating, elevating experiences that generate an advanced form of perceiving reality, and are even mystic and magical in their effect upon the experimenter.These peak experiences are rare because very few intentionally create them. You can and should be having peak experiences daily. As you have peak experiences every morning, and then act from those experiences, you live an intention and present life. You reshape your subconscious and become a super-learner, allowing all of life to come in.Peak experiences are rare for most people because they have deep emotional blocks, which cloud their minds. Due to the lack of clarity and lack of routines to get clarity, people live reactively to their environment and their body. They seek dopamine and distraction and sugar and carbs and t he downward cycle continues - as does their confidence, self-love, and imagination. Over time, they become pessimistic about themselves and about life.ConclusionA man cannot be comfortable without his own approval. - Mark TwainYou yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection - BuddhaUntil you value yourself, you wont value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it. - M. Scott PeckTo love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance - Oscar WildeThese journaling sessions can absolutely change your life. In the evening, you develop greater love, appreciation, insight, and compassion for yourself. You notice things you may not have seen in the busyness of your day. You report your learning so that it becomes more engrained. You make better plans for the future and positively affirm to yourself that youll succeed.As you write in the evening, youll shift your subconscious patterns while you sleep. When you wake up, youll have new memories, new emotions, and new neural connections to work with.As a result, its very important not to immediately get sucked BACK into the old reality of yesterday. Dont pull out your smartphone. Instead, seize access to those new neural connections through meditation and journaling. Go to a quiet place and pull out your journal. Begin writing down the things you plan to achieve and the person you intend to become.During your writing session, youll come to expect flashes of insight during the writing process itself. Psychologists call this epiphany ability and self-help gurus call this auto suggestion. They are both a way of saying that youll get inspired insights and clarity if you give yourself the space, and if you come to truly believe and feel what youre seeking to have in your life.When you do these two routines, your behavior DURING YOUR DAY will improve. Youll stop being so reactive to environments, emotions, and other people. Youll avoid terrible situations that were once your norm.Your days will get better and more intentional. Your life will transform. Youll begin living your dreams. Soon, those dreams will expand through the inspiration you get and the experiences you create. Your confidence will soar because youll be living in greater alignment with yourself.Youll love yourself.Youll have greater confidence.Youll appreciate those you love more.Youll be happier.Your emotions will translate to those around you and theyll love and appreciate you more.Youll be far more present and powerful.Youll end the cycle of addiction. Youll be clear.Ready to upgrade?Ive created a cheat sheet for putting yourself into a PEAK-STATE, immediately. You follow this daily, your life will change very quickly.Get the cheat sheet hereThisdeutsche post dhlfirst appeared on Medium.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

New Facebook, Instagram tools to curb social media addiction

New Facebook, Instagram tools to curb social media addictionNew Facebook, Instagram tools to curb social media addictionFor those of us who mindlessly scroll through our social media feeds, looking at who posted what becomes less of a fun pastime, and more of an addictive binging habit. Well now, two of the biggest social networks that contribute to this time suck - Facebook and Instagram - are offering up their services to help you wean yourself off of them.This week, the companies officially announced that they were introducing new screen-time management tools to help us know how much time we spend on their apps, and give us nudges when we stay too long. The announcement follows Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg promising to ensure the time we all spend on Facebook is time well spent at the beginning of this year.Instagram and Facebook will now let you know how much time you waste on themOn Instagram, you can soon tap Your Activity, and on Facebook, tap Your Time on Facebook to see a dashboard calculating how much time you are spending within the app. You can see the average amount of time you spend each day and each week, and if those numbers are shockingly high, you can also decide to do something about it. You can now curb your behavior through daily reminders that will notify you when you have gone past the allotted time you set for yourself. If youre the schrift of person who cannot help but click when you get a push notification, you can also now disable these notifications for 15 minutes and up to eight hours.Our hope is that these tools give people more control over the time they spend on our platforms and also foster conversations between parents and teens about the online habits that are right for them, Facebook and Instagram said in a joint statement. The updates are rolling out soon, the companies said.Of course, if you want to go a step further with taking back control of your time, you can always delete the apps entirely.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

76% of young adults believe theyll be richer than their parents

76% of young adults believe theyll be richer than their parents76% of young adults believe theyll be richer than their parentsYoung adults are pretty optimistic about their financial futures. According to a recentsurveyfrom financial firm Charles Schwab, 76% of millennials and gen Z between the ages of 16 and 25 believe theyll be better off financially than their parents. Maybe its because of theside hustle trendor because 81% of them also witnessed their parents suffer financial hardships during the Great Recession. Regardless, the survey found that young adults are pretty interested in their finances, and we couldnt be mora proud.However, this optimism may be shortsighted. According to the survey, millennials between the ages of 21 and 25 have 169% more debt than gen Z (ages 16 to 20). Plus, when comparing the same groups, these millennials only have 15% more money saved than gen Z.Unsurprisingly, this trend may be due to the massive amounts of student loan debt that so many millen nials are saddled with. Unfortunately, though, 51% of respondents said they have some sort of debt, but only 3 percent would pay it down if they were given an extra $1,000 right now.So are young adults smart in being optimistic, while not yet financially stable? Eighty-one percent want to buy a home one day, and the average respondent believes theyll be able to retire at 60 years old. Both of these goals are great, but young adults may need to be a little more realistic in planning for their futures right now.Thankfully, the majority want to better informed when it comes to their finances. The survey found that 71% of young adults want to learn more about making enough money to reach their financial goals, 68% want to learn how to keep financial information secure, 65%want to know how to save enough for retirement and how to budget for necessities, and 55% want to learn the difference between good debt (i.e. a mortgage) and bad debt (i.e. credit card).For starters, young adults can do the following five things to improve their financial situations right now.1.Create a budget.Start by making a simple one in GoogleSheets to better understand your money.2.Pay down student loan debt.Some have paid their loans off fast. See what you can do to cut that repayment time in half.3.Consider investments.Let your money do some of the work for you.4.Save for retirement.If you have access to an employer-sponsored retirement account, its easier than it seems to save.5.Boost that credit score.Build your credit and maintain a good score so you can gain more financial freedom.Once you get a good grasp on your finances, keep working hard to manage that money like a boss. And if youre already killing it in your personal finances, share your tips and tricks inour LinkedIn GroupThispostwas originally published onSwirled.comin the Thrive section, which covers valuable career and personal finance content for Millennials.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Importance of Problem Solving Skills Resume

The Importance of dicke bretter bohren mssen Solving Skills Resume What You Need to Know About herausforderung Solving Skills Resume The great news is that will be hard pressed to locate a position that doesnt require some degree of working together. Remember that your resume is your very first field of protection with respect to landing your excellent job. A computer specialist might be searching for a means to speed up a slow program. You probably solve many problems in a normal week at work. New Questions About dicke bretter bohren mssen Solving Skills Resume Mainly because soft skills cant be easily taught. They are extremely valuable to employers and are some of the most sought after qualities interviewers look for in potential hires. In the majority of instances, your soft skills can boost your hard skills. On the flip side, soft abilities, also called interpersonal or social abilities, are those that you have as personal qualities or you get through professional ex periences. If youre not certain which skills you wish to share, consider your prior experiences. Thus, you have to have both strong written and oral communication abilities. Listing your skills provides a chance to showcase your abilities and experiences to prime employers for the remainder of your resume. Problem-solving skills are traits that allow you to do that. Customer service skills should normally be included on an individuals resume. Last but not least, youve got to be certain you highlight the most crucial info about yourself. Assembling information in a timely manner is significant to your manager since it means the corporations time is being utilized well. Youll find more details on different sorts of skills for a resume in the previous section. The Little-Known Secrets to Problem Solving Skills Resume After carefully considering all your alternatives, you must choose the best strategy for your problem and stick by means of your choice. Resume examples at no cost can help you in a step-by-step course of on methods to compose your resume. Seek out alternatives It may look obvious what you need to do to deal with issue. For bringing about solutions its mandatory to collect information about the problem. Following on from problem identification, structuring the challenge is about gaining more information concerning the issue and increasing understanding. There could be several solutions to the issue, then youve got to evaluate which one is best suited. Clearly, there are several distinct kinds of problem solving and various fields and kinds of companies prize different facets of problem solving. The One Thing to Do for Problem Solving Skills Resume If you get an excellent comprehension of the circumstance and its implications, you will be in a position to choose the proper path of action more effectively and efficiently. Always make sure you confirm the facts before you form an opinion about the issue. Downloading somebody elses ex pertise will be able to help you landsee what you require, and will be able to help you brainstorm strategies to get there. If youre thinking about how to boost your problem-solving skills The answer is straightforward. There are different types of jobs which involve several varieties of problem-solving skills. Based on your field, you might also wish to add a few skills as bullet points in the Executive Summary section. Research skills are a necessary part of the problem-solving skill collection. Management skills are important for many factors. Remember that youre interviewing for employment and that youll need to demonstrate your employer you have skills that will benefit the business. Obviously, each job will call for unique abilities and experiences, so make certain you read the work description carefully and concentrate on the skills listed by the employer. Thankfully, its not tricky to understand which skills an employer is searching for as theyre normally clearly s pecified in the job postings. Whether youve got applicable technical abilities or simply military soft abilities, the real key to finding a job will be in understanding how to present the skills you have to an employer. The Key to Successful Problem Solving Skills Resume Thinking from the box is the most important core of creativity. Hiring Managers are almost always interested in knowing how far youre in problem solving. Analytical skills are useful in a lot of ways. Identifying desirable vital skills is a must. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Problem Solving Skills Resume Be mindful of getting sidetracked in conversation if you need to communicate an issue. In some instances, a problem can escalate if it isnt taken care of promptly. Theres 1 problem, though. Tell me about a scenario where you had to address a hard problem. In order to learn a solution, you want to spot the issue first. If you may show a possible employer how you are going to be a remedy to their prob lem, thats how you are going to land the job. Many times, the sort of solution is going to be determined by the sort of problem. Its about having the ability to identify that theres a problem in the very first location.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

HECS-HELP Study now, pay later

HECS-HELP Study now, pay later HECS-HELP Study now, pay laterPosted July 10, 2015, by Career FAQs teamHECS-HELPWhat is HECS-HELP?The HECS-HELP scheme provides you with access to a loan to help you pay your student contribution amount, with the added incentive of a discount for upfront payment of your tuition fees.Am I eligible?You mustBe studying in a subsidised enrolment at university known as a Commonwealth Supported Place.Be an Australian citizen or permanent humanitarian visa holder.Enrol with an approved provider, by the census date.When do I starting paying back my loan?Youll start repaying your HELP debt once your taxable income reaches the compulsory repayment threshold. This threshold is adjusted every year. The threshold for 2019-20 is $45,881.Is there anything else I need to know?HECS-HELP debts dont incur interest, but are indexed each year in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The indexation rate is currently 1.5% (reviewed and updated annually in March)Discl aimer This information is correct at the time of publishing, but is subject to change under the current governments higher education reforms. The figures provided are applicable for the 2019-20 financial year only. For more information, visit StudyAssist Repayment rates2019-2020 Repayment ratesRepayment % rateBelow $45,881NIL$45,881 $52,9731.0%$52,974 $56,1512.0%$56,152 $63,0922.5%$63,093 $66,8773.0%$66,878 $70,8903.5%$70,891 $75,1444.0%$75,145 $79,6524.5%$79,653 - $84,4325.0%$84,433 - $89,4985.5%$89,499 - $94,8686.5%$94,869 - $100,5607.0%$100,561 - $106,5937.5%$106,594 - $112,9898.0%$112,990 - $119,7698.5%$119,770 - $126,9559.0%$126,956 - $134,5729.5%$134,573 and above10%How do I apply for HECS-HELP?To apply for a HECS-HELP loan you must complete the Commonwealth Assistance gestalt (CAF) as part of your enrolment process in your chosen course.A CAF is a Commonwealth Assistance Form and the electronic version of this form is called an eCAF. If you are in a Commonwealth Supported Place, this form is not optional. You must complete a CAF form even if you are paying your student contribution fees upfront or they are covered by a scholarship.You do not need to apply before enrolling in your course, you complete the form and make the application after you have been offered a place.Your application for HECS-HELP must be completed before the census date for your period of study.What is the census date and why is it important?The census date is when the University finalises your enrolment. Each unit of study has its own census date which means you are charged progressively for your course fees as you move through your studies, rather than one upfront payment.The census date is super important because it is the legal deadline for withdrawing from the course. Withdraw after this time and youll still incur a debt, even if you dont finish or get your qualification.Make sure you confirm with your course provider when your census date it as mark it IMPORTANT in big red letters in your calendarCan I make voluntary payments?Yes, you can make a voluntary repayment on your HECS-HELP loan to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) at any time.As of 2017, there is no longer a discount on any voluntary debt repayments you choose to make.How can I check how much I owe?You can find out the current balance of your HECS-HELP debt at any stage throughout your studies either online using the ATO service on MyGov, or by giving the ATO a call.Can my HECS-HELP debt ever be wiped out?There are certain circumstances, like facing serious financial hardship, where you may be eligible to have part of your HECS-HELP debt cancelled, or the payments placed on hold.You need to apply to the ATO to defer your payments or reduce them.If you didnt finish your course or failed a subject due to special circumstances - like serious illness - it is possible to apply to your course provider to have the debt for that unit of study cancelled.To get st arted with your HECS-HELP application, or for more information, you can head to the StudyAssist website.Browse through our range of online courses that are covered by HECS-HELP. 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